The LeAnn Schroeder Hardiek Friendship Endowment (LeAnn’s Light) provides cancer patients with gift cards for their children (age 18 and under). These children are often scared of hospitals and worried about their sick parents. Many times the expense of cancer treatments can make seemingly ordinary expenses such as toys, meals out, clothes, even an ice cream cone can seem like a luxury expense.
The gift cards can be used for any number of things for the kids of the cancer patient. Some examples are, meals, toys, unexpected school-related expenses, i.e. a classmate’s birthday gift, sports participation expenses, anyone who has ever had a kid in a sport knows something always comes up that they are needing. Plus other forms of entertainment that can help provide a distraction. Older kids that understand the burden might not want to ask their parents for some of these items. We want to help alleviate some of the stress for all involved.
With your financial support, more children can receive a comforting gift as their parents battle cancer.
To donate online, click the donate button below. If you would prefer to donate via check, click the download button below.